Monday, October 29, 2012

Waves and curls

I get my hair cut about twice a year, so this is how it looks when it's reached the scary split end stage:

I realize it doesn't look that bad in this photo, and I chalk that up to Day-Of-Haircut Syndrome. Do you experience this? The day I get my hair trimmed is inevitably my best hair day in months ...

Anyway, I got about three inches cut off and now it feels tremendously healthier, though not noticeably shorter:

{Jacket - LOFT - thrifted; blue T-shirt - thrifted; white tank - maternity - thrifted; jeans - 70% off - Herberger's}

I've had long hair for the majority of my adult life, a holdout from my ballet days when it had to be long enough for a bun. 

It used to be super curly ...

... but since having my girls, it's become more wavy than curly. 
Has this happened to anyone else?

I'm sometimes think about chopping it all off to see if those curls will come back, 
but I'm too much of a chicken to try it. 


Unknown said...

This is where Brielle gets her gorgeous locks!

Puffin said...

Pretty! I cannot see the difference in the picture. You simply look fantastic in both : )

Violet said...

Aw shucks ... thanks, guys!