Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Dear Evangeline,

Today is your second birthday, and I'm trying to figure out how that's possible, because just five minutes ago, this is what you looked like: 

I love you so much, Bunny-Girl, and I hope the coming years will be full of me saying it and you knowing it. 

The past two years have been delightful. You are sweet and funny and smart and OK, maybe a little headstrong sometimes, and I have loved every minute of getting to know who you are. 

By your first birthday, you could walk and were starting to talk (although you had no teeth). 

By your second birthday, you can count to twenty, know the alphabet, can recognize and identify numbers, letters, colors and shapes, know what animals say and best of all, say "I love you". 

Every day, you grow more beautiful and though it seems impossible, the love your father and I have for you expands. You are the little girl who made us parents, and we are completely crazy about you.

Happy birthday, sweet Evangeline! 
May God bless your second year of exploring this wonderful world.

For Evangeline's birth story, go here.

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