Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Searching for Kirkhaven

Jim and I have been looking for a new home. Well, really we've been house hunting for the past three years, but it's for real this time.

Last Saturday we toured half a dozen homes with our buyer's agent. My takeaway:
   • There are some very, very nice homes for sale in Lincoln; and
   •  They go very, very quickly.

No joke. If a house is on the market here for two days, that's unusual. So there's quite a bit of pressure to make quick decisions.

Thus far, neither Jim nor I have been captivated enough by anything within our price range to make an offer. (Outside of it, though, there are some pretty drool-worthy places ...)

I told Jim it's too bad it's not a seller's market in Wisner, too, since our house hasn't budged since listing it in August. Ten months, people. I grew and birthed an entire PERSON in less than that time.

Oh well. Everything happens in its own time, and it seems God isn't done teaching me patience just yet.

In the meantime, we drive the girls around after work to look at neighborhoods and houses. After they're in bed, we scour the Internet for new listings. We've conducted our business with the bank and have everything lined up, so when we find "The One," we can make an offer quickly.

All things being equal, I have no room for complaint. Still ... I'll be very glad when our house hunt is over and we can settle into our new home.

Monday, April 8, 2013

5 things I should have video-taped over the weekend but didn't

1. The West Point Community Theatre's beautiful performance of "Fiddler on the Roof" - well done, theatre family!

2. Jim dancing (OK, "dancing") to Journey in the car.

3. Lily attending to the very dead cat in the middle of the road. Snow shovel + eyes closed + lots of screaming.

4. Getting a killer hand in pitch - ace, king, queen, jack of spades.

5. Ande and Evangeline's impromptu dance party.

Monday, April 1, 2013

In my defense, I have been taking photos ...

So, yeah, this regular blogging thing? It's taken a back seat to the rest of life. And that's OK.

Because here's what life has consisted of lately:

My baby, not so much a baby anymore ...

Sleepy snuggles ...

A burgeoning fashion sense from the toddler ...

A relentless appetite ...

A child obsessed with dragons ...

Daddy's girl ...

OK, and sometimes Mommy's girl, too ...

Cozying up in Saturday sunlight ...

Growing up oh-so-very quickly.

In other news, we've been busy and happy as a family of four. It's hard to imagine life without two little people, although at this time last year, I was large with child: 

(Can you believe how much Miss E has changed in a year? I'm her mother, and I'm not sure I can.)