Monday, October 29, 2012

Waves and curls

I get my hair cut about twice a year, so this is how it looks when it's reached the scary split end stage:

I realize it doesn't look that bad in this photo, and I chalk that up to Day-Of-Haircut Syndrome. Do you experience this? The day I get my hair trimmed is inevitably my best hair day in months ...

Anyway, I got about three inches cut off and now it feels tremendously healthier, though not noticeably shorter:

{Jacket - LOFT - thrifted; blue T-shirt - thrifted; white tank - maternity - thrifted; jeans - 70% off - Herberger's}

I've had long hair for the majority of my adult life, a holdout from my ballet days when it had to be long enough for a bun. 

It used to be super curly ...

... but since having my girls, it's become more wavy than curly. 
Has this happened to anyone else?

I'm sometimes think about chopping it all off to see if those curls will come back, 
but I'm too much of a chicken to try it. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

"But my name's not that long!"

One of the best parts of moving is Evangeline gets to spend more time with her cousin (technically, since Cool Cousin is my first cousin's daughter, that makes her Evangeline's second cousin and my first cousin once removed). CC is three — a very precocious three — and Evangeline lights up every time she sees her. 

The other night after Tuesday Night Supper (yes, that's a thing, and yes, I'll write about it eventually), CC came over to our house for a mini dance party. "Just Dance 2" was entertaining the big people (my sisters, CC's mom and her friend), but CC and Evangeline entertained themselves. Toddlers are exceptionally good at this. The only danger comes when they are quiet for stretches of five minutes or longer. That's when you need to stop whatever you are doing, quickly imagine every dreadful scenario possible and, trying to keep the panic out of your voice, vocally inquire after your child. 

Fortunately, CC is a good influence and Evangeline adores her. So if CC decides they will play with blocks, they will play with blocks. This night, apart from being fun, was relatively calm. 

There were, however, a couple of really cute exchanges: 

CC, after our stupid cat Rosie (she legitimately is stupid; I'm not being mean) hissed at her: "Mama - that cat meowed really loud at me!"
CC's mom: "Oh, she just doesn't know who you are."
CC (in tears): "But my name's not that long!"

CC, upon seeing my nurse Brielle under a cover: "What's the baby doing?"
Me: "She's eating."
CC: "Oh. Can I see her while she's eating?"
Me (not wanting to scar her young eyes with the sight of my postpartum bosom): "Well, why don't we wait until she's done. She's a baby and she needs her privacy to eat."
CC, nodding: "That's why I'm glad I'm a big girl."

"Just wait, Mommy, just wait ... before you know it, I'll be speaking in complete sentences, too, and you'll have LOTS more to write about."

Monday, October 15, 2012

Catching up ...

What we've been up to since moving here: 

Settling into a new office: 

Enjoying lots of family time: 

Exploring Lincoln's libraries: 

Catching Husker fever:

Watching Brielle grow by leaps and bounds every day: 

And keeping up with our fun two-year-old:

Altogether, life is very sweet.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Dear Evangeline,

Today is your second birthday, and I'm trying to figure out how that's possible, because just five minutes ago, this is what you looked like: 

I love you so much, Bunny-Girl, and I hope the coming years will be full of me saying it and you knowing it. 

The past two years have been delightful. You are sweet and funny and smart and OK, maybe a little headstrong sometimes, and I have loved every minute of getting to know who you are. 

By your first birthday, you could walk and were starting to talk (although you had no teeth). 

By your second birthday, you can count to twenty, know the alphabet, can recognize and identify numbers, letters, colors and shapes, know what animals say and best of all, say "I love you". 

Every day, you grow more beautiful and though it seems impossible, the love your father and I have for you expands. You are the little girl who made us parents, and we are completely crazy about you.

Happy birthday, sweet Evangeline! 
May God bless your second year of exploring this wonderful world.

For Evangeline's birth story, go here.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A snapshot of today

Before 8 a.m. today, I: 

• Nursed Brielle
• Checked my e-mail/blogged
• Showered and dressed
• Washed dishes
• Made coffee {and drank it like a mad fiend calm and rational adult}
• Fed Evangeline
• Changed two diapers
• Prepped Brielle's bottles for the day  
• Made myself lunch

This is what happens when your children allow you to sleep for more than three hours per night. 

I could get used to this ...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Signature color

I know I run the risk of certain comments whenever I wear purple - believe me, after 27 years of being named Violet, I've most of them. Well, the polite ones, anyway. 

But there's no denying it's a pretty and flattering color, so it's often in my rotation.

It's literally my signature color.

White long-sleeved T-shirt - thrifted
Purple tank - Kohl's clearance 
Gray skirt - Gap Outlet from high school {thanks, Mom, for making me buy it a little big ... it fits perfectly 10 years later!}
Periwinkle tights - Wal-Mart clearance
T-strap heels - Target {purchased for Arsenic and Old Lace in 2009; I've gotten so much use out of them}

{I know I look super tired and a little manic in this picture; the girls have been staggering their sleep schedules lately and I'm feeling a bit run down. So that's why I dress for the days I want to have ... not the days that are trying to have me!}