Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A motto for mothers

Evangeline, 15 months
Last Sunday in church, I had a glimpse of what my daughter will look like when she's grown up. Newsflash: She is going to be completely gorgeous. 

I know, I know — it's so typical for mothers to believe their children are the smartest, the cutest, the most talented. You know why? Because each child, to her mother, is. We always like to hear compliments about our children from other people, certainly, but deep down, we know it instinctively. 

I didn't understand that kind of love before I became a mother. I knew my mom loved me, inexplicably sometimes, especially during my difficult high school days. But I didn't understand how strong it is, how deeply-rooted and insistent it is. How wonderful and bittersweet it is.

There is nothing more limitless than my daughter's potential right now. She could be anything, do anything, go anywhere — her future is wide-open and full of possibilities. It would be so easy to be intimidated by that and give into the fear that if I'm somehow lacking as a mother, her life will be destroyed. Instead, I'm humbled by incredible honor it is to shape a young person ... and fortified in the belief that, with the grace of God, I can help to make Evangeline's life be one of purpose and faith.

Even on the days when she's pushed me to my limit — and believe me, there's a lot of mischief behind that little grin — I'm always a bit sad to put her into bed at night. I'd be hard-pressed to pick out a favorite time with her, but snuggling right before bedtime has to be up there on the list. She is so active during the day, it's a treat to feel her little limbs relax and watch her long eyelashes droop onto her cheeks. 

If I could prolong these sweet days when my girl is little, I would. Simultaneously, I wouldn't, because I am so excited to see what kind of a person she will grow up to be. It's times like this when it would be handy to have a TARDIS. Since I don't, I fall back on the saying that's become my motherhood motto: 

Enjoy each day for the joys it brings. Don't wish the time away and don't regret what's already passed. Look forward to what lies ahead.

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