Monday, January 16, 2012

At the Potluck

Welcome to the inaugural "At the Potluck" post at Lutheran Thrifty Mama! 

I dearly love church potluck dinners (or as our church calls them, "pot-blessed" dinners). Each dish reflects the creativity and practicality of its maker. The men and women of Northeast Nebraska — because, contrary to popular belief, cooking is not limited to one gender — are busy and hard-working. We have enough time to make food that tastes good and is good for you, but we don't have time to traipse all over the grocery store looking for hard-to-find and harder-to-pronounce ingredients. Instead, the components of potluck dishes are accessible and familiar; much of the time, they're even produced a few miles from where they'll be consumed. (OK, so ours usually aren't, but it will be a different story this summer ...)

That's why potluck dishes are the inspiration for my kitchen style: They're practical, simple, wholesome. They might not always be pretty, but you can be sure they will taste like home.

Slow-cooked cheesy chicken and rice
Cooked carrots
Fruit cocktail salad

Pizza bagels
Lettuce salad
Leftover fruit salad

Creamy fiesta salsa chicken
Spanish rice

Marinated pork chops
Crack potatoes
Cinnamon applesauce
Lettuce salad


Lettuce salad
Garlic bread

Chicken salad croissants
Green beans
Lemon pull-aparts (double batch - one for home, one for an arts reception in the afternoon)

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