Monday, July 8, 2013

Paint all the things

When moving, it's important to keep your priorities straight for optimum organization and stress-free-ness. 

Clearly, I am winning at this. Why, is spray-painting Goodwill treasures not on the top of your to-do list while transitioning households?

Set of 2 from Goodwill - $1.99 each

Being primed ...

Not exactly sure what this is, but I LOVED it - $3.99
Primed and ready for ... something

The finished product - painted Heirloom White and
gussied up with pretty scrapbook paper.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Very pretty! I just bought jars in all sorts of shapes and sizes to display our hundreds of shells. I could be unpacking, but Tristan is taking his nap, so I'm going to arrange shells instead.