Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Note to self

I always get inspired after the county fair. As I walk through the exhibits of beautifully executed photos, delicious-looking cakes, cookies and breads, gorgeous quilts and clever crafts, I think to myself: "I can do that! Oh yes, I will be amazing ... next year."

See, that's the problem. I CAN do more for the fair. I WANT to do more for the fair. But by the time August 2012 rolls around, I will have forgotten what I wanted to do. 

So here's my list of items to accomplish in the next 12 months:
• Photographs (matted) in a variety of categories. With a soon-to-be walker in the house, I know I won't lack for subject matter! :)
• Scrapbook page (I bought a scrapbook kit on clearance for $3 awhile back ... I knew there was a reason for it!)


Unknown said...

Love those felt cookies - and there's sushi, too? Cute! p.s. Loved seeing some of your photography this August. :)

Puffin said...

I hope that you get to do your craft stuff : ) Mine has been packed away and moved a couple times. I'm guessing it will stay there a while longer! I started D's baby book, have the materials for G's and nothing at all for T. So, nothing is finished. But, at least I'm consistent!