Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Need vs. want

Usually need versus want is a discussion reserved for pink leather vests. 
Do I need it? Yes. I absolutely do.
But lately, that debate has been less about material things and more about time, specifically about how I spend it.

Tonight, for instance, the Captain and I have two obligations, at the same time, in two different towns. This is more or less a daily occurrence. Between the two of us, we average three or four meetings per week. That's the result of living in a small community: With relatively few people available, everyone ends up pulling a heavier workload.

I digress. 

The point is, what do we choose to do? Honor church obligations at the expense of theatre ones? Attend a theatre meeting but skip Bible class? Split up and cover more ground that way? Or ditch everything and spend the evening relaxing at home with our daughter?

What do I need to do? What do I want to do?

(Actually, the problem is I need to do it all AND I want to do it all.)

I will add this to my list of reasons why I wish I were a cat. 

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