Wednesday, September 26, 2012


From this ... 

to this ...

and from here ...

to here, 

all in the space of two weeks. 

In other words, it's been a little bit exhausting to be a member of the Kirk family these days. 

It was incredibly difficult to lock the door to our little white house and walk away. 

Before I did, I went through all the rooms, sobbing like my four-month-old daughter, and prayed for the family who eventually buy the house. 

That house was the first home our girls knew, the place where I spent sleepless nights feeding them and countless waking hours marveling at the miracle of new life. 

That house was where we entertained friends and shared meals, where we watched way too much TV and ate more junk food than I want to admit. 

That house was where we fought and made up, where we agonized over the uncertainty of the future and where we eventually released things into God's hands. 

I will always love that house. But I'm ready to let another family make their own memories there. 

And you know what? The house where we're living now has some pretty spectacular memories of its own … 

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