Friday, September 21, 2012

I'm back!

Oh, I've missed this. A lot has changed over the last month — new house, new city, new job, new age — but I've found my need for self-expression via the written word has not.

I'm eager to get back into the swing of writing regularly, especially since my new job doesn't require it much, so expect to see me posting in this space a lot more often. Thanks for sticking with me during the transition!

I'll kick things off with a thrifty outfit post:

Purple ruffle top - clearance at a {formerly} local boutique {well, I guess it's still local, just not for me!}
Olive cardigan - clearance at Pamida
Pants - Lands End via Goodwill {$3.99, I think?}
Necklace - Wal-Mart clearance
Boots - Lassen via {I know you can't see them, but they're there. And they're awesome. I will write a separate post about them later.}

I'm quite glad I picked this piece up, because the colors have proven very versatile for transitioning into fall. It's actually a long necklace {hangs to my mid-section}, but I used a clip-it to make it shorter and easier to wear for work.

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