Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer 2011 thrifting highlights

Warning: Mega photo post ahead.
Here's a collection of my top thrifty finds from this summer, featuring a guest star — the Captain's mother, a fellow thrifty Lutheran mama.

Scarlett sundress - $4.25
Gap leather sandals - $3.00
Total - $7.25

Suit - $5.00
Blue blouse - $3.00
Total - $8.00

Christopher & Banks sweater - 99 cents
Black pants - $2.50
Total - $3.49


Teal sweater - 99 cents
Black pinstripe slacks - $2.50
Total - $3.49

Old Navy jacket - $10 
Eddie Bauer jeans - $5
Bracelet - $3
Aqua long-sleeved T - 99 cents
Total - $18.99

Blue long-sleeved T - 99 cents
White asymmetrical sweater - $3.25
Eddie Bauer jeans - $5
Total - $9.25

Brown sweater - 99 cents
Black pinstripe slacks - $2.50
Total - $3.49

Festive red sweater - 99 cents
Black pinstripe slacks - $2.50
Total - $3.49

Brown asymmetrical sweater - $6
Aqua t - 99 cents
Scarf - $1.50
Eddie Bauer jeans - $5
Total - $13.49

Teal sweater - 99 cents
Black slacks - $2.50
Total - $3.49

Purple t - 99 cents
White sweater - $3.49
Eddie Bauer jeans - $5
Born loafers - $3.50
Necklace - gift
Total - $12.98

Gray plaid suit - $3.49
Teal sweater - 99 cents
Total - $4.48

Yellow blouse - $3.49
Gray infinity scarf - $5
Eddie Bauer jeans - $5
Gray shoes - $3
Total - $16.49

Suit top - $1.75
Teal sweater - 99 cents
Black slacks - $2.50
Total - $5.24

Purple turtleneck - 99 cents
Eddie Bauer jeans - $5
Black bracelet - $3
Total - $8.99

Ruffled top - $3.49
Necklace - $1
Black skirt - $9
Gap leather sandals - $2.99
Total - $16.48

Black ruffled top - $5
Green corduroys - 99 cents
Black sandals - $2
Necklace - gift
Total - $7.99

This is the result of several months of thrifting (on my part) and it's just a small sample of the outfits you can put together for very little. 
I really believe no matter your size, schedule, budget or inclination for shopping, you can find secondhand treasures.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Where I shop

I intentionally don't list the names of the shops I visit. But that's not because I want to be stingy — it's just a security thing. If you want to know where I thrift, just ask and I'll let you know (probably via Facebook if we're friends on there).

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A request for the Doctor

My daughter is almost a year old. 
Take a moment to absorb that (because I need it). 
The little speck of hope and love I carried for precisely nine months, spent just under ten hours laboring to deliver, woke up countless hours to nurse, is not really my baby anymore. 
Pretty soon, I'll be sending her off the preschool and then kindergarten and then high school and then college and then she'll get married and have babies and become President and I ... I will be old.
How did this happen? Why must this happen? 
Doctor, I would very much like it if you could do something wibbly-wobbly and stop time for me right now, in this moment when everything is so sweet. 
Thanks very much.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Infinity for less

This week I had the rare pleasure to shop with my sister. We visited an upscale consignment store (definitely NOT an oxymoron — watch for a future post for evidence) and then went to some "real" stores. 
It's increasingly difficult for me to swallow paying full price for clothes when I know I can buy them for pennies on the dollar at thrift or consignment stores.

Case in point: Kat pointed out this cute infinity scarf at American Eagle. 
"Do you think $20 is a good price for this?" she asked. 
Five years ago, I would have said yes. After all, it's cute, versatile and can be used in multiple seasons. 
But now ...
"You know, you could probably make this," I said, turning it over in my hands. "Look, it's just a straight stitch and rolling the edges. Even I could do this."
So now all we have to do is look for jersey fabric in cute colors and prints and we're in the gift-making business. 
(And I have yet another thing to add to my 2012 fair projects list ...)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Note to self

I always get inspired after the county fair. As I walk through the exhibits of beautifully executed photos, delicious-looking cakes, cookies and breads, gorgeous quilts and clever crafts, I think to myself: "I can do that! Oh yes, I will be amazing ... next year."

See, that's the problem. I CAN do more for the fair. I WANT to do more for the fair. But by the time August 2012 rolls around, I will have forgotten what I wanted to do. 

So here's my list of items to accomplish in the next 12 months:
• Photographs (matted) in a variety of categories. With a soon-to-be walker in the house, I know I won't lack for subject matter! :)
• Scrapbook page (I bought a scrapbook kit on clearance for $3 awhile back ... I knew there was a reason for it!)

Monday, August 8, 2011

We just seem profoundly sad ...

I'm going to miss the Sandall family reunion this weekend and that bums me out. 

So in honor of my Swedish relatives, here's my favorite Betty Draper quote:

Arthur Case: "You're so profoundly sad."
Betty Draper: "No, it's just that my people are Nordic."

Maybe you have to be Scandinavian, but I laughed until I cried — which is kind of hard to do with Mad Men.

Mad Men, season 2, episode 3, "The Benefactor"

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Goodwill, good finds

The Captain and I found the BEST Goodwill today. It was attractive and clean; every employee was helpful. We will definitely be back. 
I found these Express jeans with the tags still on — and they have the added benefit of making my short legs look twice as long. The top was $3.50.

I love the embellishment on this top, also $3.50.

 In addition, the Captain found two blazers — one for 99 cents — and we got five bottles of organic cleaning spray for $5.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Need vs. want

Usually need versus want is a discussion reserved for pink leather vests. 
Do I need it? Yes. I absolutely do.
But lately, that debate has been less about material things and more about time, specifically about how I spend it.

Tonight, for instance, the Captain and I have two obligations, at the same time, in two different towns. This is more or less a daily occurrence. Between the two of us, we average three or four meetings per week. That's the result of living in a small community: With relatively few people available, everyone ends up pulling a heavier workload.

I digress. 

The point is, what do we choose to do? Honor church obligations at the expense of theatre ones? Attend a theatre meeting but skip Bible class? Split up and cover more ground that way? Or ditch everything and spend the evening relaxing at home with our daughter?

What do I need to do? What do I want to do?

(Actually, the problem is I need to do it all AND I want to do it all.)

I will add this to my list of reasons why I wish I were a cat. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I want to go to there ...

"Also, I encourage them (young women asking for career advice) to always wear a bra. Even if you don't think you need it, just ... you know what? 
You're never going to regret it."


"And should she choose to be a Mother one day, be my eyes, Lord, That I may see her, lying on a blanket on the floor at 4:50 a.m., all-at-once exhausted, bored, and in love with the little creature whose poop is leaking up its back. 'My mother did this for me once,' she will realize as she cleans feces off her baby's neck. 'My mother did this for me.' And the delayed gratitude will wash over her as it does each generation and she will make a Mental Note to call me. And she will forget. 
But I'll know, because I peeped it with Your God eyes."

Bossypants by Tina Fey


Just a note: I schedule the majority of my posts to publish automatically. So in case you're looking at the time stamps and thinking it's a bit odd to have a post about time management at 9:33 a.m. on a busy workday, fear not. I am just utilizing the wonderful and free technology at my disposal.

And as for choosing random times, that's just how I roll. 

Hello, 12:34 a.m.