Saturday, January 12, 2013

If this is how 2013 starts, I can't wait to see where it goes

During this last month of not-blogging, I've been thinking about what it is that draws me to style. 
(OK, when I say style, I don't mean Style in the high-fashion, couture sense. I mean it it the I-live-in-Nebraska-and-have-two-kids-and-a-budget sense.)

Really, I think it's because style is art that you wear. I like art in traditional forms — paintings, sculptures, architecture — but I'm also a fan of not collecting a bunch of stuff. 

So for me, style is a perfect blend between art and functionality. Clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry — these are all things I can use on a regular basis. If it pleases my eye, I have the ability to enjoy it through my whole day. 

Case in point: 

Now, if you read this blog, you'll know I love to thrift and bargain-shop the majority of my wardrobe. I estimate that on average, I've paid about a quarter of the original price for most of what's in my closet and drawers (and, um, piled in heaps of unfolded laundry ...).

These shoes are NOT thrifted. But I was in the market for something to commemorate the arrival of a glorious time — the first time in over three years that I'm not 1) pregnant, 2) postpartum or 3) nursing full-time. 

So I found these shoes and I bought them and I love them and they make me feel like an evil queen in a Disney movie (but only in the best possible way). 

They also bring into clearer focus my feelings about style. When I wear the Elizabeths, I find myself stopping throughout my work day to admire them, as I would a painting I found striking. 


So what can you expect from Kirkhaven in 2013? 

Thrifted goodness — absolutely! 

Fashion tips with office supplies — yes!

Cute pictures of E and B — do you even have to ask? 

More Fluevogs — hopefully!

Above all, what I'd like to deliver in 2013 is authentic style. 
I like what I like. 
I wear what I like. 
I'll share it with you. 

Happy New Year!

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