Beckett |
Before last week, I thought our little geekling due at the end of May would be the newest addition to our family.
I was wrong.
A while back, Jim mentioned a black kitten that had been dropped off at Zion St. John. It was friendly, he said, and really good with the students. He was tempted to bring it home, but since we already have two cats, a toddler and a baby on the way, we figured it was better to let kitty roam.
Beware the tender heart — it will lead you down the path to becoming a crazy cat lady.
Then last Tuesday, Jim sent me a text asking “Do you want another cat?” By then, we’d heard the predictions for heavy snowfall over the weekend and I couldn’t stand the thought of that sweet kitty freezing to death in a country ditch.
“Yes,” I texted back. I made an appointment with the vet for later that afternoon. Despite the rational side of my brain thinking “Three cats? Really? Who needs three cats?” I was excited to meet our new kitten.
Bad news comes via text message.
“I let the cat out to use the bathroom and it didn’t come back,” Jim texted a while later. “Not sure if it’s gone.”
Disappointed, I canceled the appointment with Reb and went home to pay attention to Winston and Rosie.
Early Thursday morning, Jim called me at home — the kitten was back and if we wanted it, I needed to come get it now.
Evangeline and I were immediately enchanted with the six-month-old kitten we named Beckett. After receiving a clean bill of health from Reb, we took him home to meet Winston and Rosie.
After the requisite amount of hissing and pouting, the older cats accepted Beckett ... or at least tolerate his presence.
My uncle once told me one child takes all your time and money — so you might as well have a few more to keep her company.
I’m discovering it’s not so very different with cats, either.
On the Lighter Side
Published Feb. 8, 2012
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