Thursday, September 22, 2011

I might have a problem ...

I love to read. There's nothing better than a cozy autumn morning, snuggled up in a blanket, hot cup of coffee beside me, knowing I have a few minutes before my daughter and husband wake up to read a couple of chapters.

But ... books are expensive and I don't have all that much time to read, which makes checking out books from the library difficult. 

Fortunately, I've found an excellent solution: Thrifting books. At Goodwill or other second-hand stores, you can usually pick up a paperback for $1 and a hardcover book for $2.

For instance, this bounty of the written word cost $23:

Yes. For the retail price of one hard-cover novel, I got 17 books. (FYI: This wasn't all from the same place. But I have noticed that at nearly every store I've visited, there has been at least one copy of "The Nanny Diaries." Weird.)

The only problem now: Where to put them all.

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