Do I strike you as being a driven, motivated, git 'r done kind of girl?
Then I'm a better actress than I thought.
Because if left to my own devices, I'd watch Netflix all day long. Maybe do a crossword puzzle. Check Facebook.
But I don't give into those impulses very often and it's thanks to this item right here:
This is my little black book and it's my life. I keep all my lists in here: to-do, grocery, packing, goals. etc. It's pretty tiny so it fits in my purse neatly.
I highlight the items that haven't been done for a while. The best part is checking off items that have been completed. I love that! (And sometimes if I do something that wasn't on the list, I'll add it anyway just so I can check it off. Does anybody else do that?)
I kept a book like this all through college and it served me well. After I graduated, though, life wasn't defined by semesters and assignments anymore. I need a visual reminder that I'm getting things done ... even though I do the same things day after day.
Nice changes to the blog : )
I thought I was the only one who carried a book similar to that. Crossing off on my list is a celebration. Love the new look on your blog as well.
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