Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I hate summer.

It's so HOT. 
And it's going to stay hot. This pleases me not at all. 
You see, I'm a cool weather kind of girl. I'd much prefer to shiver than to sweat. My ideal vacation spot is not Hawaii or Cancun - rather, I dream of a cabin on the lakefront in Door County, Wisconsin. 
And have I mentioned that it's HOT?
I am so very grumpy in the summertime. Jim's noticed it, I think, and if he hasn't yet, he will soon. I will whine like a hungry kitten if I have to be outside in the summer sun for longer than five minutes. (If I am by the lake or pool, with a cold drink in hand, I can last a bit longer. Like maybe 15 minutes.)
I am not proud of this; I'd like to be hardier - a sunflower instead of a bleeding heart. But I am not. 
And therefore, I dread the summer.
However, there is an avenue I'm exploring which could help combat sweaty summer swamp butt: Thrift store skirts.
Between a consignment store in West Point and a thrift store in Norfolk, I've purchased three skirts and three dresses, plus some black capris (that fit perfectly!), a pair of shoes and several blouses, all for about $50. The skirts are perfect for work - they're long enough to be modest, but still light enough to stay cool. And since I have rotten luck with shorts (they never, ever look flattering - why???), they are a blessed solution. 
I may never buy anything new again. 
So while the summer may be hot and horrible, at least I'll be staying cool (and relatively richer, since I'm spending less on clothes). 

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