One of the best parts of moving is Evangeline gets to spend more time with her cousin (technically, since Cool Cousin is my first cousin's daughter, that makes her Evangeline's second cousin and my first cousin once removed). CC is three — a very precocious three — and Evangeline lights up every time she sees her.
The other night after Tuesday Night Supper (yes, that's a thing, and yes, I'll write about it eventually), CC came over to our house for a mini dance party. "Just Dance 2" was entertaining the big people (my sisters, CC's mom and her friend), but CC and Evangeline entertained themselves. Toddlers are exceptionally good at this. The only danger comes when they are quiet for stretches of five minutes or longer. That's when you need to stop whatever you are doing, quickly imagine every dreadful scenario possible and, trying to keep the panic out of your voice, vocally inquire after your child.
Fortunately, CC is a good influence and Evangeline adores her. So if CC decides they will play with blocks, they will play with blocks. This night, apart from being fun, was relatively calm.
There were, however, a couple of really cute exchanges:
CC, after our stupid cat Rosie (she legitimately is stupid; I'm not being mean) hissed at her: "Mama - that cat meowed really loud at me!"
CC's mom: "Oh, she just doesn't know who you are."
CC (in tears): "But my name's not that long!"
CC, upon seeing my nurse Brielle under a cover: "What's the baby doing?"
Me: "She's eating."
CC: "Oh. Can I see her while she's eating?"
Me (not wanting to scar her young eyes with the sight of my postpartum bosom): "Well, why don't we wait until she's done. She's a baby and she needs her privacy to eat."
CC, nodding: "That's why I'm glad I'm a big girl."
"Just wait, Mommy, just wait ... before you know it, I'll be speaking in complete sentences, too, and you'll have LOTS more to write about."